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-R- Painting Terms

Ragging- A decorative paint finish that is either applied or subtracted with a crumpled damp rag. 

Reaching- (spray gun)- Extending spray stroke too far.

Recoat Time- The period that must elapse between applications of coats of paint.

Reducer- A material which lowers viscosity but is not necessarily a solvent for the particular film former; thinner.

Resin- A natural or synthetic material that is the main ingredient of paint. It binds the ingredients together and improves the coat’s adhesion to the surface.

Roller- A paint application tool consisting of a revolving cylinder covered with fabric, polyester foam, lamb’s wool, etc.

Ropiness-A stringy look to the paint film. Ropiness is a result of the paint not flowing evenly onto the surface.

Runs- Blemishes on the film that are caused by excessive flow of the coating.

Rust Preventive Paint or Primer- The first coat of paint applied directly to iron or steel structures to slow down or prevent rust.


-Q- Painting Terms

Quick Release Fittings- Snap lock fittings.


-P- Painting Terms

Paint- A pigmented liquid that dries to form an opaque, solid film and provide decoration and protection.

Paint Remover- A compound that softens old paint or varnish, permitting loosened material to be scraped off.

Patina- A thin greenish layer that forms on copper, or bronze as a result of exposure to to the elements.

Peeling- Detaching of a dried paint film in large pieces. Peeling is usually caused by moisture or grease under the painted surface.

Pigments- Paint ingredients that are used mainly to provide color and opacity.

Phthalic Resins- A particular group of film formers; alkyds.

Pinhole- Very small holes in paint film, usually not deep enough to show the undercoat.

Polyurethane- Coatings ranging from hard glossy enamels to soft, flexible coatings. With thorough surface preparation, polyurethanes provide good to very good adhesion, hardness, flexibility and resistance.

Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)- A synthetic resin largely used as a vehicle for many latex paints.

Pot Life- The period during which a two-part paint can be applied after it has been mixed.

Prime Coat- First coat.

Primer-The base coat, or first complete coat, of a paint system that is applied to an uncoated surface. Primer can be latex or alkyd (oil) paint.

Propellant- The gas used to expel materials from an aerosol container.

Putty Knife-A flat-bladed tool for filling cracks and holes with spackling compound.


-O- Painting Terms

Oil Paint- Oil-based paint that contains oil as the basic vehicle ingredient. Oil paint can be designed for interior or exterior use. It must be thinned and cleaned up with solvent. Pure oil-based paints have largely been replaced by alkyd paints.

Oleoresinous- Film former containing oil and resin.

Opacity- The ability of a paint to hide the previous surface.

Opaque Coating- A coating that hides the previous surface.

Open-Time- The amount of time a glaze or paint stays wet and workable for desired finish.

Orange Peel- Film having the roughness of an orange due to poor roller or spray application.

Organic- Containing carbon.

Organosol- Film former containing resin plasticizer and solvent; colloidal dispersion of a resin in plasticizer containing more than five% volatile content.

Orifice- Opening; hole.

Osmosis- Transfer of liquid through a paint film or other membrane.

Osmotic Blistering- Formation of blisters containing liquid.

Overcoat- Second coat; top coat.

Oxidation- Combination with oxygen; drying; burning; rusting.


-N- Painting Terms

Nailhead Rusting- Rust from iron nails that bleeds through the coating and stains the surrounding area.

Nap- The length of fibres in a paint roller cover.

Naphtha- An aliphatic solvent cut; hydrocarbons of the CnH2n+ series.

Nonvolatile- A paint’s solids content the solids left over after the solvent evaporates.

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