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Is My Paint Job Affecting My Home’s Value?

Is My Paint Job Affecting My Home’s Value?

Listen, we use the term “Curb Appeal” for a reason. Of course, the exterior paint job is affecting your home’s value in the real estate market.

Is My Paint Job Affecting My Home’s Value?

If you get a poor home appraisal, or just one lower than you were expecting, the first thing a realtor will say is, “Throw a fresh coat of paint on it.” Whether it be people passing by, guests visiting, or a potential home buyer, one of the first things someone will notice is your paint job.

Sure, you’ll definitely want to pick out an appealing color palette for your home, but your job won’t be done with just that. Chipping paint, uneven brush strokes, colors that mix at intersections can all be damaging to your home’s value.

When it comes to the inside you will want the right paint job as well. Hey, maybe you have a flair for the dramatic. Different strokes for different folks, right? Well, in this case, you’ll want these strokes to be even and of a neutral tone.

However, not all neutral tones are created equally. Peace and tranquility are feelings you’ll want your potential buyers to have when they are walking through your open house. For this, you’ll want to use a mixture of light blues, grays, and greens. In particularly sunny rooms, this will bring out the relaxation.

Using this blue-gray-green scale in your kitchen and/or bathroom can increase the value of your home by over $1,000. If you can find me a better return on investment in home upgrades I am all ears.

A mixture of tans and shades of white will also go a long way. If you want to spice it up, using toned down pastels on your ceilings or in the form of stripes are also good ways to go.

In general, keep it simple and keep it warm. You don’t want your walls to scream at buyers when they enter your home.

Once you have your colors picked out the next natural question is, should I hire someone to paint or do this by myself? This may come down to the answer to your second question, how much does a professional painter cost? But these are not the questions you should be asking.

Your question should be one simple one. Am I more concerned with upfront cost, or my return on my investment?


The right colors and well-done professional painting job can raise the price of your home by thousands. With this in mind, it seems more than worth at least getting a quote to see what painting your home will cost. If this is the right choice for you, then give us a call and see what we can do for your home.

Paint Effect Home Value


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Having A Professionally Done Home

Having A Professionally Done Home

Having a Professionally Done Home

A home is not just a building; it is a safe space, a welcoming place, warm cocoon for ourselves, our family and even our guests. A lot of things go into making a home into a home and, despite the fact that the people who live in it are most important, the environment and aura of the home itself is a major contributing factor.  When it comes to making a home, a lot of things should be taken into consideration.

The “feel” and “aura” of a home has a lot to do with how the home is decorated and painted. When it comes to this, wouldn’t you rather have a professional involved? There are several factors we often would most likely not consider which are in fact rather vital to a professional eye. Having a professional on ground does not only ensure that things run smoothly with the execution of your project, but it also ensures that every single factor is covered, taken into consideration and accounted for. Having a professional on board with your project is probably the best thing you can do for your own peace of mind. From renovating to painting or even just decoration, the services of a professional should be available to you regardless of what you want done in your home.  Let us look at it in these 3 broad categories:

Home Improvement for Having A Professionally Done Home

Having A Professionally Done HomeThe concept of home improvement can be is basically the process of making changes to one’s home. It could be an addition or simply an overhaul. From as simple as repainting to completely having the ceiling changed; in essence, it is just giving your home a whole new look. When looking to improve your home, there are several decisions to be made, most of which we cannot make without a professionals input, or else we risk making serious mistakes which could end up costing us way too much to fix. The main thing we need to look at is not what we want done, but, what our budget actually is. In truth, this goes a long way in determining how we manage the outcome of the rest of the project and, where compromises should or, can be made for Having A Professionally Done Home 

When it comes to improving your home, apart from the budget, your plans also matter. What you want done needs to be reviewed under professional supervision as most times we have big dreams which may simply not be as realistic as we think especially after we factor in our budget, space, structure, etc. Having a professional review your plans help to put things into perspective for you. Knowing what is possible and what needs to be compromised on is very important. Also and this is probably one of the main reasons why we need a professional in the first place; to overlook the project and see the things that we simply cannot see. When it comes to renovations, we would usually just look at the surface but, a professional would see beyond that into the actual necessities so as to enable your project to run smoothly.

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Having A Professionally Done Home

Having A Professionally Done Home

This is perhaps the least expensive yet most visibly attractive thing to change about a home. Be it external painting or internal, the fact remains that painting requires a certain professional technique to it in order to give it that fantastic professional finishing we want. Painting not only helps to add great aesthetic value to your home but, could be a great way to maintain the home. Paint coats can help to retain the new look of a home and, even help maintain its looks which in the long run which, would cost you less for maintenance.

When thinking of painting, the first thing we usually think of is color. This is not bad but as a professional knows before the color comes the base. Preparing of the surface for the coats of paint. Without a clean surface, the painting really may come off just looking tacky. Now in terms of color; colors have a way of influencing an environment and creating an aura. When picking out colors, it is advisable to have a sit down with a professional painter and explain the look and aura you would like in your home. This would help you get a professional view of the best colors or color schemes that would be effective in giving you just what you want. Also, different colors can be more suitable for different parts of the home, and this is yet another reason why a professional’s input is advised. Colors can have not just a cooling aura but a cooling effect in terms of heat; a professional knows the science of this and is really, in the best position to advice accordingly to Having A Professionally Done Home


Having A Professionally Done Home

Having A Professionally Done Home

Decorating can be on a broad spectrum as there are facets to decorating a home. From creating a suitable space, to filling said space with the right pieces of furniture, to having the right colors and art, decorating is really just not as easy going as we may think. Decorating a home is a big deal because this is the science that brings together the structure of the home with the environment it creates also reaching to the people in the home. While a paint color can be welcoming, the decoration itself is probably the most warming and welcoming aspect of a home. So depending on what aura you want to create in your home, or what effect you want to give off in the home, having a professional look into your home decoration could be something to consider. Lines and angels are also an aspect of decoration that usually eludes us. This is something professionals are key on and, the art of this is what gives us clean lines that flow and come together in a home.Having A Professionally Done Home

Another mistake a lot of us make is having too many pieces of furniture in one space. We may have an idea of what we want, but, a professional eye would help to bring it all together and create that space you want. When decorating, having ample space in a room even if it is a small room is important and, professionals have that touch to give you a fully decorated room and, still give you that space that simply was not there. Decorating is really a big deal as there is a lot to be considered. There is so much that should go into it that many of us would normally overlook but which are important to give us that homely feeling that we want.

tips to Choosing a color combination for your living room

Imagine your home at Christmas or Thanksgiving, having the whole family present, all comfortable in one space, a space that is accommodating to everyone. This is the home we all want. Even if some of us may not yet have the big family required to fill the space we want them in, we want a home that says “you are welcome.” Be it a traditional home or a stylish modern home, that warm and welcoming factor is important in a  home; this is the reason why a professional eye and hand would not only be beneficial but, could very much be crucial in bringing this vision into reality.


Peeling Paint

peeling paint

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Painting A Colorado Interior Ceiling

paint your ceiling like professionals

Painting a ceiling can be a big pain in the neck with the physical strain of painting over your head, the dripping paint and not really knowing how well you are doing until you step off the ladder. However, there are ways to make the job easier and more enjoyable as professional house painters do. Continue Reading →


Making selection of paint colors easier

choose your paint

Much can be said about why certain colors appeal to us while others make us uneasy. Certain colors increase our attraction, or revulsion, for a thing and play a detrimental role in how we see things.  60% of the response we might have for place or an object is determined by its color. In consideration of this fact, we must chose the colors to be painted in our home after much thought. A pleasant use of colors on your walls, doors and furnishings adds much to the beauty of your house. Continue Reading →


Dealing with Mold and Mildew Before you Paint

Deal with mildew

A fresh coat of paint will certainly make the home look new and clean, but it will not help overcome the most common cause of discoloration: mildew.

Mildew is parasite fungus that often appears as a dark color, such as black, green or brown and is rather fuzzy as well. Its body can digest right through painted surfaces and destroys the integrity of the paint itself. Mildew can also cause the underlying wood to rot and even cause masonry to crumble. Continue Reading →


Choosing a color combination for your living room

choosing colors for living roomThe living room of your house is often the most important area in terms of representing your style of decoration. This room is also the one where guests are entertained and hence it needs to be presented well. One of the most daunting tasks when it comes to decorating or painting a living room is deciding upon the color combination. Continue Reading →


Paneling …To Paint or Not to Paint?

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Painting old paneling is a job that many exterior painting contractors perform for their clients. However, it is not nearly as cheap as it sounds especially if you try to do the work yourself. For those who do not want to hire a professional house painter, here are a few tips to properly painting paneling. Continue Reading →


5 DIY paint ideas for your house

Paint your way to a beautiful house – 5 DIY paint ideas for your house

One cannot stress enough the role that paint plays in beautifying your house. The way your house is painted speaks volumes about your decorating preferences. If you are in the process of decorating a new house or apartment or want to revamp your current one, read on to know about 5 exciting DIY paint projects that you are bound to love. Have a look at the following DIY projects and gain inspiration to start yours today. Continue Reading →


Touching up your surfaces

touching up your surfaces
How to Touch Up

Many of us have tried to touch up a surface only to have it look worse than it did before. This is fairly common on surfaces that have a coated finish. However, using the right methods any surface coating can be touched up properly either by yourself or by using experienced interior painting services. Continue Reading →

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