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-F- Painting Terms

Fabric Roller- An application tool made from a high nap fabric and designed to apply paint by saturating with paint and rolling across the surface.

Fading- Reduction in brightness of color.

Fanning- (spray gun technique).

Fan Pattern- Geometry of spray pattern.

Faux- Faux is a French word used to describe something made to resemble something else. It also means (fake).

Feather Sanding- Sanding to taper the edge of dried paint film.

Ferrous- Iron containing

Ferrule- The metal band that connects the handle and stock of a paint brush.

Filaments- The part of a synthetic paint brush that holds and applies the paint. In a natural bristle brush, the filaments are often referred to as bristles.

Filler- A composition used for filling fine cracks and pores to make the surface smooth before paint is applied.

Film- A layer or coat of paint or other material applied to the surface. The layer remaining after the paint has dried is often called the dried film.

Fingers- Broken spay pattern; fingerlike

Finish Coat- Topcoat.

Flaking- Small pieces of paint surface coming off. Cracking or blistering usually occurs before flaking.

Flammable- Easily set on fire.

Flash point- The temperature at which a coating or solvent produces vapors that are capable of being ignited when exposed to a spark or flame.

Flat- Practically no gloss even when the surface is viewed from an angle. A flat finish has even less gloss than an eggshell finish. Flat paint is less durable than higher gloss paint.

Flexibility- The ability of a coating to expand and contract during temperature changes.

Flow- The ability of a coating to level out and spread into a smooth film. Paints that have good flow usually level out uniformly with few brush or roller marks.

Flocking- A coating process producing velvet-like surface.

Foam Roller- A tool that is similar to a fabric roller but made from synthetic foam rubber. It is designed for clear, fine finishes.

Fresco- Is any of several related painting types done on plaster, walls or ceilings.

Frieze- A horizontal band of decoration around a room, building, mantle, etc.

Frogging- Misting.

Frottage- A faux painting technique, from the french word meaning “to rub”. A base coat is applied, and then a colored glaze is rolled over the base coat. A variety of materials such as paper or plastic is rubbed over the wet glaze to create different textured looks.

Fungicide- An agent that helps prevent mold or mildew growth on paint.

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